Saturday, November 19, 2011

Vitamins, mites and exotic pets

I'm trying to give Muffin a bit more excercise by letting her crawl on my bed at least once a day, plus it also helps her socialize more with 'mommy' (me, obviously). However, now I've learned to cover the blanket with a towel, as she did happen to poop on the bed yesterday..

In addition, I've also realized that it is far easier giving Muffin her vitamins once she is already exploring on the bed. And as for the yellow stains it causes, it actually will come off of her fur the next day- though fortunately I barely got any yellow on her today.

I'm really thinking that her convulsions are more due to stress than mites, but she does itch, so I will continue giving her the Revolution the next month anyways.. plus, I already paid for it of course. And otherwise, she is still very active and eats, drinks, and goes to the bathroom normally so it definitely appears that she is healthy.

On a random note, I'm watching Fatal Attractions on Animal Planet right now, and it makes me wonder how people could have all these crazy exotic animals as pets- such as buffalo and crocodiles. Yeah, I think little Muffin is about as far as I will go in terms of having an exotic pet. Well, I would also consider getting an iguana or bearded dragon- iguanas are vegetarian so I wouldn't have to worry about feeding it crickets or any other critters, but still, bearded dragons are so sweet!

Oh, and I also really like parrots. Ok, ok, I think certain exotic animals would be cool as pets, but for now it will be just Muffin, the cats, and the frogs.

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