Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dogs, cats, and guinea pigs

It's been forever since I last updated this blog! I definitely have missed being on here- I have just been busy with other things. Anyhow, I can now upload pictures from my cell phone onto my laptop which I am very happy about since unlike a camera, I always have my phone with me so I can take cute pictures of Muffin and my other babies at any opportune moment and quickly upload them onto my laptop to share them with the virtual world. :)

Another reminder of how long it has been since I was last on here is the fact that when I typed my last post I hadn't yet adopted or even met my Hairless Chinese Crested, Sookie! We adopted her in January of last year when she was eight months old (She will turn two years old this coming May). In addition, last October we took in a black stray cat we named Baby when Superstorm Sandy hit, so we have acquired a few new additions. :)

Below is a picture of Muffin I took today while she was on my bed, along with one of Sookie lying down with my cat, Stray.